Security Guard Training Classes in Texas

Get Your Dream Job

Texas needs security guards! Becoming a security guard may not be as simple as you think. Unlike other jobs, security guards require passing a specific course before beginning to work. Prior to getting started, you need a high school and proof you passed a special training course.

Different companies offer security guard training classes in Texas. Starting with an introduction class takes place before beginning your career. In Texas, this class is called a Level II Security training. This six hour class covers the basics of security guard trainings. It’s exciting to want to start right away. However, there are a few things you should know before signing up.


First, does the training class offer hands on experience? Security guards protect the lives of others. Having real world experience incorporated into your trainings is an absolute must since lives are at stake.

Second, does a security company offer the class? One of the perks of a training held with a private company is that you can apply for a job right after the six hour training. This is a great way to get started on your dream job right away. It is convenient to have your trainer also be an employer.

Finally, if you have a busy schedule, flexibility is something else to look for when selecting a course. Online options might be a good fit if you cannot commit to one six hour chunk of time during the week (during normal business hours) to attend your training.

Where to Start

Top Gun Consulting offers classes with hands on experience, led by professionals, and provides several different options to meet the needs of busy lives. If you live in Houston and are looking for security guard training classes in Texas, we offer physical and online options to help you start with your dream career as a security guard. Learn more and sign up here.